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Qingya Li1


This research is to study the causal relationship of innovation factors from routine work affecting the performance of support personnel of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. Objectives are 1.To develop a causal relationship model between routine innovation factors affecting performance of support personnel of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. 2.To examine the coherence of the causal relationship model between innovation factors from the routine work that affects the efficiency of the work of the support personnel of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. The researcher has studied the concepts and theories related to the research as follows: innovation theory concept concepts, theories, operational efficiency, and related research. The sample group was academic support personnel of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. The researcher determined the sample group from the formula for calculating the given sample group 20 times per 1 variable. In this study, there were 6 variables studied. Therefore, there should be a sample of 300people. The researcher used a proportional random sampling according to the type of support personnel classified by departments and used a questionnaire as an educational tool. The initial variable is 1.Innovation creation behavior of personnel 2.Transformational leadership 3. Innovation creating atmosphere 4.Learning culture 5. Corporate innovation support 6. Innovation creation. The dependent variable is operational efficiency. The preliminary data analysis used basic statistical values such as mean, standard deviation. The correlation coefficient between observable variables of causal relationship was analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient as data for model analysis. The researcher uses statistics, path analysis, and uses a software package for analysis Amos. The results showed that learning culture affects innovation the most, followed by the innovation behavior of personnel, transformational leadership, and lastly is the support of corporate innovation. All factors directly affect innovation and indirectly affect operational efficiency.

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How to Cite
Qingya Li1. (2023). THE CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP OF INNOVATION FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF SUPPORT PERSONNEL, CHIANG MAI RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 14(2), 23–36. Retrieved from
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