การพัฒนาโมเดลการวัดและเครื่องมือวัดภาระทางปัญญา (Cognitive load) ของนิสิต นักศึกษาระดับปริญญาตรี
The purposes of this research were to 1) develop of model and tools to measure cognitive load (CL) of undergraduate students, and 2) determine the quality of the construct validity and reliability tools to CL of undergraduate students. The sample group consisted of 1,522 undergraduates. The research tools comprised of CL measurement, which had 44 questions and a reliability of 0.92. The statistics used to analyze the data included mean, standard deviation, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). CFA can be categorized into three types, as follows: 1) Intrinsic Load represents the ability of the nerves to digest in difficult data ; 2) Extraneous Load is generated by the load of data presented by the instructors or the feeling perceived though the lessons of the instructors, as well as inappropriate presentations ; and 3) Germane Load is created by the collection of context and understanding, where it is stored as long term memory.
Results of the study revealed that CL consisted of 3 types, when ranked according to the measurement of each types, which includes extraneous load, which weighed = 0.76, intrinsic load, which weighed = 0.74, and germane load, which weighed = 0.67. The structural component model has structural precision and the index is in harmony with existing empirical data.
(X2=1.05, df=1, p-value=0.30, RMSEA=0.00, CFI=1.00, TLI=1.00, SRMR=0.27)
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