Land use from rice, Biofuel crop production, Potential creation strategyAbstract
This study was a mixed-method research under the areas of the government push for the management of agriculture. The objective was to study 1) the situation for the cost and production of food plants and energy plants, 2) the factors that support the change use of rice farming land into planting sugarcane factories, and 3) the developing of strategies for potential production of energy crops and the proper use of agricultural land in cooperation with local parties. Sample size determination was using Cochran's up to 400 people. The key contributors unique to the sample were 42 participants. The secondary data were analyzing content for questionnaires and interviews. The primary data was analyzed to average and percentage and to factors with inference statistics in the form of Stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The sugarcane planting was an economic crop that farmers value and adapt to grow to plant sugarcane factories, that a return on was higher. The findings from the support factors were the preparations of a potential creation strategy. The support factor was accessed by using geographic information; prepared a plan to increase the production process and organization training etc. The building of canals to reach the farmland used the integrating farm of the new agricultural theory and producing career succession in order to replace technology in labor.
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