
  • Endurance Igho Oyibochia Graduate School, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
  • Waewwalee Waewchimplee Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University




Game-based learning, English vocabulary achievement, Traditional approach, Learners’ motivation


    Students’ abilities to communicate, read and write effectively are vital for success; it depends on how well students acquire and retain new vocabulary developed through vocabulary enrichment lessons and activities. In Thailand, English as foreign language learners (EFLs) struggle with vocabulary deficit challenges. Since games have been an inevitable part of education, they have indescribably transformed educational outcomes with a higher emphasis on learner-centric pedagogy. Thus, computer games are considered effective alternative instruments that promote students’ engagement and fun learning processes. This tended to show an improvement in the attainment of learning objectives compared to students using standard instructional methods. Hence, using the game-based learning (GBL) method, this study employs a quantitative research approach and elements such as pretest and posttest, survey questionnaires, and four lesson plans, which were approved by the experts, including assessments of English vocabulary items related to four themes extracted from the English curriculum and student’s English textbooks, and designed according to the unit lesson plan within eight weeks and a total of twelve hours for students to examine the effect of GBL on vocabulary achievements. There were 90 participants in this quantitative research. The learning satisfaction survey after being taught by using games. The data were analyzed for the mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent. Using GBL from across the four vocabulary themes revealed that GBL is effective in improving 3rd graders’ English vocabulary achievement. It also provided a fascinating account of several games that are popularly used to facilitate effective learning in various settings.


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Figure 1 The pretest and posttest result in total points distribution




How to Cite

Igho Oyibochia, E., & Waewchimplee, W. (2022). EFFECTS OF GAME-BASED LEARNING ON 3RD GRADERS’ VOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT. Research Community and Social Development Journal, 16(4), 110–122. https://doi.org/10.14456/nrru-rdi.2022.69



Research Articles