The Public Service According to Police Station Policy for the People, Lam Sonthi Police Station, Lop Buri Province

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Teerameth Na Wichian
Sirichai Petcharak
Warabhon Subruangtong


          The objective of this study was to 1) study the public service according to police station policy for the people, Lam Sonthi police station, Lop Buri province. 2) comparison of public services by gender, age, education, occupation, average monthly income and activities using the Lam Sonthi Police Station, Lop Buri province. The sample group was 398 people, calculated from the Yamane formula at a 95% confidence level and a tolerance of 0.05%. The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. Data analysis using a package. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, one-way ANOVA, F-test using double comparison data for respondents with 3 or more groups of statuses.

        The results of the research showed that 1) The level of opinion in the public service according to police station policy for the people, Lam Sonthi police station, Lop Buri province overall in good level and considering each aspect found that the criteria were at a good level in all 4 aspects, including 1. general services 2. criminal justice administration 3. life and property security and 4. traffic control and management, respectively. 2) comparison of public services according to police station policy for the people, Lam Sonthi police station, Lop Buri province by gender, age, and different occupation overall, there were no different opinions on the service in all 4 aspects. When considering each aspect, it was found that they were different, classified by education level. Overall, there is a statistically significant difference at the level of .001. Some aspects different and are classified by monthly income. Overall, it was found to be no different, all aspects are no different, except for general services, which are statistically significant differences at .05 level.

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How to Cite
Na Wichian, T. ., Petcharak , S. ., & Subruangtong, W. . (2020). The Public Service According to Police Station Policy for the People, Lam Sonthi Police Station, Lop Buri Province. SSRU Journal of Public Administration, 3(3), 23–30. Retrieved from
Research Article


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