Chinese Cultural Performing Art: The Year of the Rooster Lion Dance in Thonburi Area

ศิลปะการแสดงวัฒนธรรมจีน: การแสดงเชิดสิงโตแบบปีระกาย่านฝั่งธนบุรี


  • Naphatsakorn Artmungkhun Department of East Asian Languages, Faculty of Humanities, Chinese Language, Kasetsart University
  • Phufah Boonsrisombut Department of East Asian Languages, Faculty of Humanities, Chinese Language, Kasetsart University
  • Chatuwit Keawsuwan Department of East Asian Languages, Faculty of Humanities, Chinese Language, Kasetsart University


Lion Dance Postures, The Year of the Rooster Lion Dance, Khao Tok Son clan


This research is a descriptive study with the objective of studying and analyzing the characteristics, belief, posture and performance sets of The Year of the Rooster Lion Dance in religious and important festivals in Thailand. It also aims to explore the uniqueness of The Year of the Rooster Lion Dance of the "Khao Tok Son" clan. The research methodology began with in-depth interviews, divided into group interviews with the main clan and relevant sample groups. Subsequently, data were collected and analyzed by categorizing them into groups. The study found that The Year of the Rooster Lion Dance of the “Khao Tok Son" clan is unique and distinct within Thailand. It exhibits distinct characteristics in terms of symbolism, performance sets, rhythmic music, and the lion's features. The lion dance can be divided into five major performance sets, which consist of the lion giving birth, the lion eating vegetables in the canal, the lion entering the four magic doors, the lion entering the eight direction talisman and the lion paying respects to the general public. These performances convey deep meanings and symbolism through gestures, facial expressions, narratives, and the use of props. Additionally, beliefs and characteristics of The Year of the Rooster Lion Dance can also be categorized based on the color attributes of the lion and the customary performance restrictions.


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