Children’s Poetry in Japanese Elementary School Textbook after World War II

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Pat-on Phipatanakul


This research paper is the study of Children’s Poetry in Japanese elementary school textbook after World War II. (1952-2014) It can be divided into 4 periods, which are 1952-1971, 1971-1984, 1984-2000 and 2000-2014. In 70-80 century, Japan was in an era of high economic growth however during that time many problems arose concerning the environment and competition in education. In 1990-2000, an era of information and technology, there were many problems regarding bullying and truancy in school. This period, which was called “the Lost Decade”, caused the younger generation to lose interest in their aspirations and dreams. After the year 2000, the Educational regulations were revised to suit a borderless economic society. Even if there were a lot of changes in Japan Society, Many poetries had been using in elementary school textbooks, to teach the children about the importance of their surroundings. Poetry motivates children to learn to observe and use their imagination. They was not only used for teaching grammar, reading and writing, but also represented the value of life and society. With all of these reasons, the poetry in textbooks are widely read and studied in every periods up until now.

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__『小学国語』昭和 26 年度~平成4年(1951-1992)日本書籍.





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