Transforming Japan into a Gender-Equal Society

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Piyawan Asawarachan


The problem of low birth rates, confounded with the ageing population, has been aggravated to the degree that it could undermine Japan’s future stability. Recognizing its enormity in 1990, the Japanese government attempted to address the problem by introducing the Basic Act for Gender Equal Society (男女共同参画社会基本法)in 1999, followed by the implementation of the Basic Plan for Gender Equality (男女共同参画基本計画) to put the Basic Act into practice.

This article studies the Japanese government’s attempt to transform Japan into a gender-equal society through the enforcement of the Basic Act for Gender Equal Society and the implementation of the Basic Plan for Gender Equality. Work-Life Balance is investigated as one of the strategic measures aimed to implement the Basic Plan.

Eleven indices considered to reflect the effectiveness of the Work-Life Balance measure of the Basic Plan were reviewed in light of their respective targeted figures. The results indicated that such indices could be grouped into three categories: (1) one consisting of indices with a high tendency of achieving their targeted figures; (2) one with indices that could meet their respective targets, provided that special measures are implemented; and (3) one with indices that are distantly lagging behind and that are unlikely to meet their goals by the pre-determined deadlines. In addition, a cross-sectional analysis of these indices revealed that, despite the overall working hours demonstrating a downward trend—suggesting that more time can be dedicated to family, the ultimate ideal of achieving a work-life balance looked elusive as Japanese men still play a limited domestic role, leaving almost all of the child-rearing responsibilities to their female counterparts.

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