A Study of Repeated Words in Japanese Idioms

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Seksan Chantarachamnong


This research aims to 1) study the existence of repetition which exist in “SAMNUAN” (Thai Idiom) of Thai language that actually also exists in “KANYOOKU” (Japanese Idiom) of Japanese Language or not. 2) To study the figure of the existence of repetition which appears in the “KANYOOKU” of Japanese. The research was conducted in the first step through studying of the pattern of repetition found in the “SAMNUAN” that Sanga (1995) was presented in “Thai idioms”. Then, set the boundary of the experimental group as the study goal. It is 4,049 expressions of “KANYOOKU” that is a collection from 2 good reputed and popular “KANYOOKU” dictionaries are widely accepted for the study of “KANYOOKU” in Japan. That is the『日本語の慣用句辞典』dictionary of Ootani, Yonekawa (2008) and the『故事ことわざ・慣用句辞典』dictionary of Kuramochi, Sakata (2008). In the final step, make the conclusion of the figure of “KANYOOKU” with the use of repetition and summary of results. The results of this research show that in the 4,049 expressions of “KANYOOKU”, there are expressions of “KANYOOKU” that do not have the use of repetition of up to 3,909 expressions, or 96.54 percent. And there is only a few of expressions of “KANYOOKU” just 140 expressions, which is 3.46 percent, have the use of repetition, but not enough to say that it is a dominant feature of “KANYOOKU”.

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