Sociological Perspective on Way of Japanese Consumption in Thai Society

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Keeratiporn Jutaviriya


This paper aims to re-examine about the trend of way of Japanese food consumption in Thai society’s research and point out the approach of the research conducted in sociological perspective which the conditions related with way of Japanese food consumption are considered. The result indicates that the
trend of studies in the field of way of Japanese food consumption in Thailand are not widely conducted and limited in several ways. Previous researches mainly focus on Japanese food’s consumption attitude, decision, factors and consumption behavior. Previous researches give the consistency result. This trend of study cannot expand or give the new concept to clearly reflect the recent phenomenon of Japanese food consumption in Thailand. The study about the way of Japanese food consumption related to media and cultural consumption should be considered and focused in order to give broader perspective. This paper also
reveals that results of previous studies indicated that the conditions of nature of consumers, products, price, channel of words Way of Consumption, Japanese Food, Culture, Consumption of Signs Key Sociological Perspective on Way of Japanese Consumption in Thai Society Keeratiporn Jutaviriya distribution, marketing promotion, staff, environment and culture are related to way of Japanese consumption in Thai society. All
of the conditions reflect the way of thinking and trend of study in the field of life style in Japanese consumption in the modernity. However, these results show that previous studies are not focused on the social structure and power of individualism which in fluencing on people’s consumption in the society. Consumers, themselves create their own life style called Consumption of Signs. This kind of life style reflects the reality of individualism and powerful structure over the consumer’s decision. Further studies on way of the consumers as the agency in fluencing on way of consumption are therefore suggested in order to clearly reveal the reality occurring in the modern society.

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