A Comparison of the Acoustic Characteristics of Short and Long Vowels in Japanese Produced by Thai Learners in 3 Southern Border Provinces with Difference Mother Tongues A Case Study of Pattani Province in Thailand

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Chaiyot Rongdech


The objectives of this research were to analyze and compare the acoustic characteristics of Japanese vowels pronounced by Japanese native speakers (JP) and 3 groups of Thai students with different mother tongues: Thai standard (TH), the Thai Southern dialect (ST), and the Malay dialect (ML). The first and second formant frequencies, F1 and F2 (vowel quality), and the durations (length), were studied. The sample group consisted of 6 upper secondary students with different mother tongue. The data were analyzed using the PRAAT (program).

According to the results of F1 and F2, the TH, ST, and ML students pronounced the formant frequencies of the short vowels differently from the Japanese native speakers, as with the /i/,/e/,/u/,/o/ sounds, and were significantly more peripheral. The formant frequencies of the long vowels were pronounced differently by TH, ST and ML students from the Japanese native speakers in all sounds and were significantly more peripheral. Further, the duration results indicated that —TH, ST, and ML— pronounced the short vowels longer than those pronounced by Japanese native speakers (TH > ST > ML > JP). That is, the short vowels were pronounced longer than the native speakers while the long vowels were shorter than those pronounced by Japanese native speakers (JP > ST > TH > ML). That means that the long vowels pronounced by TH were one syllable (Mora) shorter than the native speakers and this made the pronunciation fairly unnatural.

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