Woman and Child in the Love-miracle Noh Plays

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Winai Jamornsuriya


This research aims at studying the images, the power and the negotiation of woman and child characters in the 5 Love-miracle Noh Plays: Aisomegawa, Take no yuki, Tanikou, Danpuu and Matsuyamakagami. The research also studies the issues of the thoughts and beliefs found in the 5 Love-miracle Noh Plays. The research finds that the woman and child characters portray both the positive and the negative images, but mainly in the positive images. However, the positively portrayed behaviors cannot definitely result in the character fulfilling. The woman characters show a greater proportion of the power than the negotiation. On the contrary, the child characters show a greater proportion of the negotiation than the power. Additionally, the research finds that most of the Love-miracle Noh Plays are shown in line with the thoughts and beliefs of the ancient Japanese people.

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