Thai Young Adults’ Motivations for Pursuing a Care Worker Career in Japan

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Elisa Nishikito
Shewin Suksamana


The objective of this study was to clarify the motivations of Thai young adults pursuing a care worker career in Japan. The sample group consisted of ten candidates aspiring to go to Japan to work in long-term care. Data were collected through questionnaires and follow-up interviews. Participants’ answers were categorized into themes, and analyzed using content analysis. The results revealed that the participants of this study perceived going to and working in Japan as an opportunity for career development and learning Japanese language. Some who had previous experience in caring for elders wished to learn more about nursing care. They were also motivated by their appreciation for Japanese society and pop culture. The results show similarities with the motivations of earlier groups of Indonesian candidates aiming to work in nursing care in Japan. However, they differ somewhat from the interests of Filipino candidates whose primary reasons for going to Japan were financial. By juxtaposing the results with other studies, some reflections on the social implications of the transnational movement of health care workers are presented.

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