The implications of Senryu in Current Situation: A Case study of Salaryman Senryu

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Pratyaporn Rattanapongpinyo


The objectives of this research were to study the proportion of vocabulary and content of Japanese words used in senryu (川柳) during the year 2020 and to investigate the creation of jokes in senryu. The research samples were 100 senryu from the 34th 第一生命サラリーマン川柳 コンクール. The creation of jokes in this study was analyzed based on the relevance theory. According to the research results, the top ten words with the highest proportion of usage are (1) 妻 (2) マスク (3) 上司 (4) 密 (5) テレワーク (6) リモート (7) 俺 (8) 仕事 (9) 飲み会 and (10) 今. Out of these ten words are associated with COVID-19 and vogue words invented in early 2020. Considering the content of the 100 senryu, 10 of them is related to the company and family themes, which were written about work from home. Due to the long period of COVID-19 that covered from year 2020 to 2021, the Japanese salaryman must adjust their balance of worklife status, which shown in New normal work styles and the occurrence of senryu compositions. In addition, the creation of jokes in senryu, there are more implicit jokes than explicit jokes.

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แหล่งข้อมูลตัวอย่างประโยค (資料の出典)

第一生命保険株式会社 (2021).「第34 回『第一生命サラリーマン川柳コンクール』ベスト10 発表!」<https://www.>