Instructors’ Roles in Information Seeking Support in Classrooms A Case Study through the Survey of Smartphone Usage among Thai Learners of Japanese Language

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Tanapat Sontirak


This study aims to survey and analyze smartphone usage for information seeking in the classroom among Thai learners of Japanese language, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of using smartphones to seek information. In addition, Thai learners of Japanese Language’s views on instructors’ roles in information seeking support in classrooms will also be analyzed. By simulating reading comprehension task and using questionnaires to collect data from Thai university students majoring in Japanese language, the results showed that most of the target group mostly sought information by using their smartphones to gain access to applications and websites (79.11%). Some advantages mentioned were associated with the smartphone’s ability to search promptly for word meanings, and its ability to search an enormous amount of data. On the other hand, there were also some disadvantages mentioned such as the lack of data, or data with insufficient explanations. Moreover, the study found that some of the target group mostly sought information from other students (17.91%) to inquire about the interpretations of sentences, which could not be achieved by using smartphone. The results indicated that instructors could play an important role not only in providing support for students both before and after the information seeking process, but also in utilizing the in-class learning environment by promoting knowledge sharing through interactions among students.

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