A Comparative Analysis and the Development of the Learning Style of Japanese Four-character Idiomatic Compounds and Thai Four-part Elaborate Expressions
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The purpose of this research was to conduct a comparative analysis of Japanese four-character idiomatic compounds and Thai four-part elaborate expressions; to determine the structure, meaning, and worldviews that emerge from idioms; and to develop a learning pattern for Japanese four-character compounds through online lessons and to study the results of using online lessons. This research is applied research. The methodology of document analysis and quasi-experimental research was applied. Specific sampling: collect and synthesize both quantitative and qualitative data. After that, the research results obtained were applied to developing online lessons. Further, the effects of using the online lessons generated from pre- and post-study achievement were studied. The data was analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation statistics by using the t-test dependent formula. The results showed that the structure of idioms distinguishes similarities and differences into three groups: (1) the group in which the four kanji are all different and the four words are all different; (2) the group where one of the kanji is duplicated and one word is the same; and (3) the groups with one of the opposite kanji characters and have one word opposite each other. However, the structure of Japanese four-character idiomatic compounds in terms of the Thai four-part elaborate expressions with more than four words or four syllables and divided into two paragraphs was not found. The semantic relationship between the four kanji and the four words in the idiom can be divided into three groups: (1) the four kanji have a corresponding meaning, and the four words have the same meaning. (2) kanji with opposite meanings and words with opposite meanings; and (3) kanji with the same and opposite meanings and words with both the same and opposite meanings. The worldviews reflected in idioms have both similarities and differences; namely, the worldview of a person's characteristics; worldviews about the emotions that arise in the mind; worldviews about life; worldviews regarding the arts and faith; worldviews about society and communication; and worldviews about time, nature, and various changing conditions. The developed online lesson of Japanese four-character idiomatic compounds is of a good quality. The learning achievement of the sample that studied through the online lessons after learning was higher than before, statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
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