The Evaluative Reading of Japanese Compositions among Thai Students Majoring in Japanese An Analysis of Schema Regarding Japanese Composition
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The objectives of this research were to investigate the criteria that Thai students majoring in Japanese use in evaluating Japanese compositions written by others and to analyze their schema or background knowledge regarding Japanese composition. The participants were asked to evaluate the pros and cons of three Japanese compositions. The results showed that most of the participants evaluated the compositions by using content, structure, and the use of Japanese as the criteria, reflecting their schema in those three main areas. In terms of sub-criteria analysis, it was found that the participants clearly recognize the following: 1) the appropriate use of Japanese, especially Japanese vocabulary and the length of the sentences; 2) the writing of clear and concrete supporting sentences; and 3) the organization of paragraphs into the introduction, body, and conclusion. The schema that should be emphasized the most in teaching Japanese composition is the unity of content and the continuity of the content between paragraphs. The findings concerning the evaluative reading criteria and the schema about Japanese composition revealed the factors that Thai learners of Japanese pay or do not pay attention to when writing Japanese compositions, which is useful information for the development of Japanese composition writing skills.
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