Expectations Regarding the Daughter in the Short Story "Juusanya"
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Higuchi Ichiyo is Japan's first female professional writer and has been considered a headstrong anti-patriarchal writer. On the other hand, research on her biography reveals that Ichiyo had to perform the traditional role of a daughter all her life. This article studies Higuchi Ichiyo's famous literary work “Juusanya” (十三夜) to explore the theme of parents' expectations toward daughters and the role of the daughter characters in Higuchi ichiyo’s literature, including the relationship between women and patriarchal society. The study found that the daughter characters are commonly expected to get married. Despite the daughters’ resistance, the stories often end with their unsuccessful struggles to break away from the patriarchal norms because of gratitude. The writings also show that these traditions were ingrained in the daughters’ families themselves and that the women are forced to live up to the misogynistic standards. This reveals the status of women during the Meiji period.
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