Loanwords in Japanese: The Analysis of Online News and Twitter

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Patcha Bunyarat
Natthira Tuptim


This research studies loanwords from two data resources: online news in (formal language) and Twitter’s posted messages (non-formal language) in order to investigate the quantity and variety of loanwords. The focuses were on the phonological system, word system, and grammatical system of Japanese loanwords and the usages of those words. The findings showed that there was a variety of loanword usages, as found in previous study (Fukuda et al., 2007). The loanwords were adopted in the phonological system, word system, and grammatical system. Nevertheless, the specific findings found in this study related to previous study (Kokuritsukokugokenkyusho, 2004; Yoneda, 1996) were as follows: (1) loanwords were used to show modernity and to follow a trend rather than to express concepts or things for which there was no original Japanese equivalent; (2) the loanwords pill, miss, and attend were used according to narrow meanings and were different from when they were used in English; and (3) there were four words—pāsonarutore, kinryokutore, kurejittoka, mūbīchike—that “broke” the phonological rules and the 2-4 mora-word formation.

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