Gender in the Kitchen Space: A Case Study of the Gay Characters in the Antique Bakery by Yoshinaga Fumi

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Chalida Purininnat


This research aims 1) to study the interplay between gender and the kitchen area through a gay character and 2) to study the change in the image of the kitchen area in Japanese society through a gay character in Yoshinaga Fumi’s work by investigating 12 episodes of the anime series Antique Bakery (Seiyō Kottō Yōgashiten) (2008). This research discusses “gender” through the viewpoint of the kitchen area where it can be reflected through the gender-stated system created by society. As found from the findings, the kitchen area in the Antique Bakery anime series is played by Yusuke Ono as the chef, who is the main character of this anime series, to present gender diversity. The character in this anime presents the idea of liberation from the expectations of a patriarchal society. Gays in the kitchen area are considered unacceptable in Japanese society, while Yusuke Ono represents the image of a liberating and revealing gay person in society through the characters of pastry chefs in the kitchen area. As a result, the space in the kitchen reflects the beginning of the shift in gender roles between men and women, as it reflects gender equality in that all genders can use the kitchen area and demonstrates that the space in the kitchen cannot define the gender role to be used.

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