Cultural Politics in the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake: From the Earthquake to National Spirit Restoration

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Krittaphol Viphaveekul


The 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake was not only Japan's most catastrophic disaster, it also represents a social and cultural incident that reflected the social values and political ideologies of the society. While most earthquake studies in Thailand focus on scientific data and disaster management, they often neglect the social and historical impacts. Therefore, this article aims to study the history and social responses to the Great Kanto Earthquake in order to understand the cultural politics of the incident. The study found that this earthquake was the most destructive in Japan’s history, characterized by a large and long-lasting fire that caused enormous damage and numerous deaths. Japan's response to this disaster can reflect the social values and political ideologies of the society. The elite and intellectuals interpreted the earthquake as divine retribution for the Japanese. They asserted that it is time for the Japanese people to awaken from their obsession with Western values and to embrace traditional Japanese values once again. The government also utilized the earthquake as a symbol to revive the national spirit.

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