Self-correction in Japanese Public Speaking: A Case Study of Native Speakers’ Speeches in the CSJ Corpus

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Asadayuth Chusri


This paper investigates the patterns of errors and self-corrections made by native Japanese speakers in public speaking, with the aim of developing a model for teaching Thai learners how to deliver effective monologues. The study analyzes data from 60 speeches by native speakers from the CSJ (Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese), identifying 721 errors in total. Classifying the errors into five types revealed that native speakers tend to correct minor errors (pronunciation, word usage, grammar) immediately without correction markers. However, for major errors (expression and information), they typically use eight types of markers to indicate correction. These self-correction markers include: markers of changing, such as toiu ka; markers of expressing hesitation such as a and maa; markers of refutation such as janai; markers of apology such as gomennasai; markers of expressing doubt such as ka; markers of additional explanation such as ga; markers of searching for words such as nan-toiu-ndesuka; and markers of stalling by using shared information such as are-desune. In addition, native speakers tend to use polite forms when employing certain types of markers in public speaking situations.

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