The Unique National Park Administration of Japan Based on Geosocial Approach

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Sarat Rattana
Kitichai Rattana


The national parks administration of Japan has hardly been mentioned in Thailand's key sector. This research aims to present the unique national park administration of Japan that is different from that in the United States, which has created a role model for national park management for other countries and has occupied Japan for many years, in the context of geosocial approach. The methodology consists of a survey study in the actual areas of Towada-Hachimantai National Park, Bandai-Asahi National Park, Nikko National Park, Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, and Myoko-Togakushi-Rensen National Park and qualitative research using document research. The results of this study revealed that the service areas of Japan's national parks are located among communities, including agricultural areas, residential areas, and various enterprises. Therefore, Japan's national parks are managed with mixed use of state and private areas regardless of the size of the area. Management zoning and the rules and regulations of each management zone are key to Japan's national park administration in terms of preserving preserve Japan's natural resources and responding to the diversity of community uses, which is their unique approach.

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