A Study of the Usage of TE, TEKARA, TAATODE among Thai Learners of Japanese in Eight Universities

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Natthira Tuptim


This research aimed to study the usage of TE, TEKARA, TAATODE among Thai learners of Japanese in 8 universities. Participants were 213 learners studying in 3rd and 4th years. They were collected by a purposive sampling method from 8 universities: 2 from the north, 1 from the east, 1 from the north-east, 2 from Bangkok and the metropolitan region, and 2 from the south.  The instruments were 2 types of examinations that were calculated by percentage. One was a three-option multiple choice examination. The other was a usage examination including 12 items with Thai meaning. The findings revealed that the learners were able to correctly use TE and TAATODE in the usage examination more than 50 percent which were 78.87 and 57.90, respectively, while the learners were able to correctly use TEKARA less than 50 percent which were 41.31 and 30.99 in both examinations. The findings showed that TEKARA was the most mistaken and problematic form for Thai learners.

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