The Shadowing Effect in Developing Accents for Japanese Loanwords in the Thai Language

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Tanaporn Siwuttipong


Japanese loanwords are frequent in the Thai language, for example karate (คาราเต้), sumoo (ซูโม่), and sukiyaki (สุกี้ยากี้). Pronounced in Thai, these words’ phonological systems are in terms of tone different from the Japanese pitch accent. Thai students of Japanese find that their pronunciation of their native language interferes and causes problems when they speak Japanese. This paper aims to study the effect of the shadowing technique on improving the accent in Japanese loanwords in the Thai language. Correct Japanese accent patterns were used as analytical indicators. This study found that shadowing helped the Thai students learn the correct Japanese accent for Japanese loanwords in Thai. Improvement could be heard after three practice sessions of shadowing, compared to before practice. However, the shadowing effectiveness varied significantly after practice was discontinued for two weeks, where both improved and unimproved accents were found. The Japanese loanwords in Thai that were difficult for the Thai learners to improve with shadowing included เกี๊ยวซ่า (gyooza ○●●) ยากูซ่า (yakuza ●○○) and โชยุ (shooyu ○●●). The words that the students found difficult to pronounce included นัตโต (nattoo ○●●○), เทปปังยากิ (teppanyaki ○●●●●●) and เคนโด (kendoo ●○○○)

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