Changes in Operating Conditions with the Resignation of Japanese Interpreters in Japanese Companies, Northern Region Industrial Estate, Lamphun Province
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In this study it was found that the roles of the Japanese interpreters varied. Initially, they were responsible for translation only. When they had more experience, they would be assigned to do other work related to management and coordination. If they were not flexible enough to handle the new tasks, they would have problems at work. It was related to the main reason for their decision to resign.
In terms of problems and obstacles during work, there was no clear organizational coaching. Since there was only an interpreter for each department, there was no a leader or senior that could coach or train the others. However, the interviewees stated that it was an important process for the supervisor to clearly inform the employees about the job or other information related to work in order to transfer techniques to practical applications and to provide understanding so that they could work with efficiency and accuracy. Moreover, there was also a problem concerning upward mobility in the organization. Each department had only one or two interpreters without a supervisor, so it was not possible to promote the translators to a higher position. In terms of the factors affecting the resignation of the Japanese interpreters, it depended on individual factors. However, there were factors with which everyone agreed that led to the decision to resign. These factors were job description factors and organizational factors.
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ข้อความและข้อคิดเห็นต่างๆ ในบทความเป็นของผู้เขียนบทความนั้นๆ ไม่ใช่ความเห็นของกองบรรณาธิการหรือของวารสาร jsn Journal
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