MBA-KKU Journal
ISSN: 1906-3180 (Print)
ISSN: 2985-0495 (Online)
Publication Frequency : 2 issues per year (January - June) , (July-December)
Aims & Scope: : The journal aims to provide a platform for researchers and academicians to share knowledge and ideas in the form of high -quality articles in the form of original research or review covering the main fields as Business Administration, and other fields related to business administration such as
- Management of Information Technology, Marketing Management, Operation Management, Production Management
- Organization Development, Human Resource Management, Accounting and Finance Management, Strategic Management, Small and Medium Enterprises Management, Quality Management, Transportation Management
- Entrepreneurship,Investment Management, Feasibility Study and
- General administration, including micro and macro aspects, which apply to both public and private sectors.
Current Issue
Vol. 17 No. 1 (2024): January - June 2024