การบริหารจัดการเครือข่ายการวิจัย กลุ่มการสำรวจความหลากหลายทาง ชีวภาพในท้องถิ่น : มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏและมหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลภาคใต้ The Networking Management of Survey Local Biodiversity Research : Rajabhat University and Rajamangala University of T

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วิเชียร มันแหล่
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์สุรศักดิ์ แก้วอ่อน



The purpose of this research were to study the research networking management,  to explore the local biodiversity consisting of detail research protocol on biodiversity in the fiscal year 2015 funded by Rajabhat University and Rajamangala University of Technology in South of Thailand and selecting researches concerning the biodiversity in local, 2) to perform  activities for developing researchers in the early stages, operation and after completion operations, and 3) to synthesis of lesson study concerning participatory research network management from 28 research projects. The researcher selected 8 researches concerning the biodiversity in local that were participatory network management and the survey the local biodiversity. There were as follows:

1) The cultural research contains building mental awareness to the personnel that research is an important mission of providing education, promoting values and attitudes to do research, creating a network to exchange knowledge, promoting the process of looking into the foresight and scenario planning of research, making a research environment with adjusting rules to support research production for each university, making network/cluster, developing of communication system for research, funding research, honoring teachers who succeeded in producing researches, managing knowledge with support for the dissemination of research results and innovations both in academic arena and implementation in local communities. To support collaboration between research organizations and institutions to bring the portfolio to take advantage, and supporting to protect intellectual property rights, artifacts or innovations.

2) Researchers development consists of supporting a lead researcher by raising awareness for director to management that must be ready to learn and develop themselves continuously to a senior researcher transfer of knowledge and pass experience to young researchers. Development of Researchers with forum to provide technical exchange among researchers both inside and outside the institution. Encourage researchers to present their research in both domestic and international. And coaching and training of researchers with the mentor system to provide consultancy and knowledge exchange conferences, seminars, training both basic and processed.


3) Resource allocation and budgeting research consisted of the establishment biodiversity research centers in the universities, finding the equipment contributing to the research, imposing burdensome of researches being in the right proportion and in line with the performance of the personnel in universities, coordinating with other organizations both within and outside the networks in the South, exchanging research information with other organization, managing the budget by establishment of research committee to consider research proposals and research reports, monitoring and evaluating to build standardized researches, Developing the budgets system to be effective and transparent, fair and accountable such as contract research grants to researchers in advance in case of the budget providers funding to be late.

4) Monitoring and evaluating consisted of creating a common understanding for the early stages of management: developing research projects to meet the requirements of funding sources. On the operation period, it is to monitor the operation and management of the project budget, making a successive report on the operation of biodiversity research that the experts can suggest during the study. And ending period, it is to make a report budget expenses, presenting and publishing researches, monitoring the quality of researches, and supporting research results to be used in local communities.

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