Organizational Climate Affecting Teaching Efficiency of Teachers in Schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 11 in Suratthani Province.

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สุภัสสร ชูประยูร


The purposes of this research were 1) to study organizational climate 2) to study teaching efficiency of teachers 3) academic organizational climate affecting teaching efficiency of teachers in schools under Secondary  Educational Service Area Office 11 in Suratthani Province. The population used in the study were  2,329 of school teachers, 331 sample were consisted of teachers by simple random sampling. Data were collected by using a questionnaire with 0.99 of reliability. Data were analyzed by using basic statistics such as mean and standard deviation. Testing statistics was multiple regression analysis.

The results of the research were as follows: 1) organizational climate in overall and individualaspect was at a high level , were arranged in order of average from highest to lowest which is Organization structure, warmth and support , conflict, rewards, autonomy-openness and organizational changes 2) teaching efficiency of teachers were a high level were arranged in order of average from highest to lowest which is  organizing teaching and learning activities, planning and teaching preparation, knowledge in the subject content, using instructional material and evaluation 3) The analysis of organizational climate affecting teaching efficiency of teachers in schools under Secondary  Educational Service Area Office 11 in Suratthani Province, respectively were able to jointly predict the teaching efficiency of teachers at 98 percent with statistical significance at .05 level.

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