Haiku: The Art and Power of Poetry and Learning English

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วิยะดา พรหมจิตต์
Chamaiporn Buddharat
Wanwipang Phonkamjad
Kanaporn Kaewkamjan
Jiraporn Sukkrong


Haiku is a short form of traditional Japanese poetry. Japanese people have written haiku for hundreds of years. Many countries now have composed it for the enjoyment to use languages, announcing their experiences, expression the opinions and emotions through haiku. Haiku poets had better be sharp-witted to choose the best words to compose haiku. This article introduces 1) haiku history 2) haiku writing process 3) Original Haiku writing 4) Imagery in haiku 5) Western haiku writing 6) Thai haiku writing 7) Haiku writing in classroom and Students’ haiku.

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