The components The components of Monitoring and Evaluating System in Utilizing the Quality Evaluation Results to Enhance Quality of Basic School: for the Affiliation.
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The research was mixed methods and the purposes of this study were 1) to study conditions, problems and needs of the monitoring and evaluating system, 2) to develop the monitoring and evaluating system, and 3) to efficiency verify the monitoring and evaluating system, The research instruments were questionnaire, interview, and Connoisseurship. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean and standard deviation,
The results found that:
- 1. current Conditions, problems and needs of the monitoring and evaluating system in utilizing the evaluation results to enhance quality of basic school for the original affiliation found that the overall was at good, fair and good level respectively.
- 2. The component of Monitoring and evaluating system that consisting of 5 main components and 18 sub components namely; 1) Context & Environment factor components contains 5 sub components: (1) policies and external rules (2) economy, society and culture, (3) technology and information (4) necessities and needs develop and (5) principles and objectives, 2) Inputs factor components contains 3 sub components: (1) policies and announcements of agencies (2) monitoring and assessment personnel and, (3) monitoring and assessment tools, 3) process factor components contains 3 sub components: (1) goal setting and indicators (2) monitoring and evaluation planning and,(3) monitoring and assessment, 4) output and outcome factor components contains 5 sub components: (1) summary of follow-up and assessment results, (2) reporting of follow-up and assessment results, (3) learner quality, (4) quality of student-centered instructional management, and (5) quality of educational institution management, and 6) the feedback factor components contains 2 sub components: (1) the reflection of the monitoring and assessment results and (2) the improvement and development of the monitoring and assessment.
- 3. the components of monitoring and evaluating system in utilizing the evaluation results to enhance quality of basic school for the original affiliation, It is appropriate and feasible when put into practice.
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