An Exploration of Strategies for Autonomous Learning in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

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Kasama Pakdeephan


     Lifelong learning and its successful implementation are fundamentally tied to the principle of learner autonomy. This qualitative case study examined the varied pedagogical strategies implemented by three EFL (English as a Foreign Language) educators at a public university in Southern Thailand by using an individual semi-structured interview and thematic analysis as research tools. These strategies were aimed at bolstering students’ autonomy in English learning, centered around four key themes: Fostering Interest, Reflective Practices, Facilitating, and Encouraging Autonomous Behaviors. The study reveals that lecturers function as motivators, reflective practitioners, facilitators, and consultants, thus crafting an atmosphere conducive to autonomous learning. Traditional authoritative roles are absent, enhancing students' independent learning journey. The knowledge obtained from this research added to a repertoire of effective strategies for EFL educators and was intended to foster environmental support of autonomous learning.

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