Awareness and Barriers to the Prevention of COVID-19 Infection Among Homeless People in Homeless Shelter in Bangkok and Pathum Thani Provinces

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Nichartorn Likhittham
Ronnapoom Samakkeekarom
Paphitchaya Hanthip
Supanida Phonsa


This research aims to study the relationship between homeless people's awareness of COVID-19 self-protection and the barriers homeless shelters imposed on their self-protection behaviors during a COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, a variety of methodologies were used, including conducting quantitative research with 109 homeless people living in homeless shelters in Bangkok and Pathum Thani using an accidental sample method. Qualitative research methodology is also applied through the conduction of in-depth telephone interviews with 5 caregivers working in each homeless shelter in Bangkok and Pathum Thani province. With regard to this, a purposive sample method was employed in the selection of informants, and a content analysis method was used to analyze qualitative data.

According to the findings, the informants showed that they have a high awareness of self-protection during a COVID-19 pandemic, and their self-protection behaviors are at a good level. The results also show that during the COVID-19 situation, the budget is a critical limitation of the homeless shelter in Pathum Thani, affecting the self-protection behaviors of homeless people. However, the number of personnel, budget, support spaces, and personnel knowledge is the major barriers for the homeless shelter in Bangkok. Another issue discovered is that the abandoned elderly by their grandchildren. In terms of recommendations, it is significant to increase self-protection awareness among homeless people during the COVID-19 situations that fit their lifestyle. Furthermore, fundraising is required to reduce any obstacles to prevention by equipping the homeless people with skills and capacities to prevent themselves from the spread of COVID-19.

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How to Cite
Likhittham, N., Samakkeekarom, R., Hanthip, P., & Phonsa, S. (2022). Awareness and Barriers to the Prevention of COVID-19 Infection Among Homeless People in Homeless Shelter in Bangkok and Pathum Thani Provinces. Journal of Social Research and Review, 44(1), 11–52. retrieved from
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