
  • Thawanrat Mairattanachaichan School of Social and Environmental Development, National Institute of Development Administration.
  • Awae Masae School of Social and Environmental Development, National Institute of Development Administration.


Wellbeing, Single Mothers, Slum


This research aimed investigate wellbeing, livelihood strategies to pursue Wellbeing and the conditions that effecting Wellbeing achievement of single mothers in Phasuk (alias) slum, Klongtoie district, Bangkok. This research was conducted following a qualitative methodology. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 12 key informants, and 18 cases of single mothers; divided into 2 groups, 9 each; 1) single mothers living with children and relatives and 2) single mothers living only with children. Data analysis was done by means of typological analysis, synthesis, and interpretation. The resulted showed that the wellbeing of the two groups of single mothers consisted of 3 main components; 1) having property and money for living and saving, 2) being able to support their children to pursue a higher education, and 3) being physically healthy. Furthermore, the second group of single mothers also expressed the needs for support from someone trustful. Their livelihood strategies adhere to the “3F” principles: 1) Fighting, 2) Flexible, and 3) Family Oriented. Conditions affecting the wellbeing of single mothers found to be related to state policies, their social and cultural conditions, and economic conditions of their families, and the environment of the area where they lived. As there was no clear state policies or regulations to actually support single mothers, they seemed to have limited access to several government services. And further research showed that these single mothers have the great power and strength of being a “Single Mother” to try to bring them and their family wellbeing.


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How to Cite

Mairattanachaichan, T. ., & Masae, A. . (2022). WELLBEING OF SLUM SINGLE MOTHERS IN KLONGTOIE DISTRICT, BANGKOK . Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14(27, January-June), 49–61. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swurd/article/view/259755