
  • Patrapan Tamdee Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University.


Innovation, Breastfeeding, Online media


When a woman has to be both “mother” and “labor”, “innovation” is necessary to be “partner” for supporting labor-mother to perform both functions in a balanced manner. The objectives of this qualitative research and development are 1) to develop an innovative medium to promote breastfeeding and 2) to extract lessons from the process of developing platform for innovations in breastfeeding promotion by creating 2 platforms including website and YouTube channel, which has gathered and disseminated innovations in 3 form of online media such as video clips, infographics, and digital printed files media. These medias were made to the target groups of mothers who are preparing for breastfeeding, their close people, general public, as well as those who work in breastfeeding promotion sectors. The CIPP Evaluation Model, developed by Daniel Stufflebeam, was used to evaluate project progress in form of formative evaluation in during project execution through to end of the project with an emphasis on the participation process between researchers. experts in various fields, and users. Online questionnaires was used to evaluate utilization of 2 platforms during January to March 2019 with 109 website visitors and 107 viewers of Youtube channel. Frequency, percentage, and mean were used to analyze data. As a result of the lessons learned, it was found that the key conditions affecting the implementation of the project were consideration of diversity of users, especially mothers who are raising children who have limitations and conditions for living and working differently. Moreover, the processes for the involvement of stakeholders in the development of innovations in accordance with their needs and uses are also significant condition. In addition, proactive breastfeeding practitioners, who work closely with and understand the practice of breastfeeding and the context of the mother's needs, should be encouraged to develop their own innovations which can be applied to their work context.


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How to Cite

Tamdee, P. . (2022). LESSONS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT OF PLATFORM FOR INNOVATIONS IN BREASTFEEDING PROMOTION. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14(27, January-June), 102–118. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swurd/article/view/259759