
  • Saiphin Panthong Faculty of Business Administration, Panyapiwat Institute of Management.


Basic need, Components, Elderly


This research aim to study the components of basic need of medical office club and hierarchy of influence of basic necessities of elderly in Bangkok. This research was the quantitative research, using exploratory Factor analysis statistics (EFA)from rotating Varimax and Promax methods. The samples were collected from the medical office club of elderly in Bangkok. Analytics of this study to take the component weight of variables into consideration with the specified criteria for each element by ordering Eigen value greater than 1, and using confirmation element analysis (EFA) statistics by AMOS program. The results showed that the significant basic elements of the elderly were comprised 6 components, and all components could account for 60.163% of cumulative variance. the elderly needs the pursuit of new things (Explore) that it was ranked as the most significant. Secondly, was the hygiene requirement (HyG)., The third, was the emotional and psychological (Emo). The fourth, was the participation and respect (Resp. The fifth, was the nursing assistance (First-Aid). Finally, was income need (Income). The results of using the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) found that accepted 6 elements have completely a significant statistical qualification for every element. The findings of this study can applied to develop the project for elderly to seeking and supporting the elderly, such as creating innovators, creating value and creating government policy for the elderly.


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World Health Organization. (2010). Definition of an Older or Elderly Person. Retrieved Jan 4, 2021, from


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How to Cite

Panthong, S. . (2022). COMPONENTS OF BASIC NEED OF MEDICAL OFFICE CLUB ELDERLY IN BANGKOK. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14(27, January-June), 145–159. retrieved from