
  • Ittipong Thongsrikate Interdisciplinary of Social Science Section, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Maejo University.


Public Space, Elderly, Health, Urban Area


Public space is a key open space where people can access and benefit from the facilities provided. Thailand is now considered “an ageing society”. Therefore, it is crucial to equip the elderly with different aspects of changes both physically and mentally. This article aims to investigate the use of public space as health promotion for the urban elderly. The study employed qualitative research methodology phenomenology. The data was gathered through in-depth interviews with 12 elderly people living in Chiang Mai city area, and frequently exploiting the park. The data was collected from October to December 2020. Data analysis was content analysis. The results revealed that the urban elderly employ the public park to enhance their well-being in 3 aspects, including 1) physical health promotion by walking and using exercise equipment installed in the park; 2) social health promotion by employing social networks to promote continuity of public space use; and 3) mental health promotion by using public space as a means of interacting with other people in order to enhance their self-awareness and self-esteem.


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How to Cite

Thongsrikate, I. (2024). THE USE OF PUBLIC SPACES AS HEALTH PROMOTION FOR THE URBAN ELDERLY. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 16(31, January-June), 1–11, Article 272081. Retrieved from