Group Communication and Teamwork Factors: An Observational Study Using the “Pandemic” Cooperative Board Game

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Prae Pathanasethpong
Pornthip Sampattavanija


This study aims to examine how group communication and teamwork can be enhanced through cooperative board game play. The researcher observed three groups, each with four players, as they worked together to win the Pandemic board game. The results were analyzed based on relevant principles and theories. Despite adopting different playing styles, the study showed that all three groups were able to win the game and engaged in communication that enhanced task management, such as brainstorming and decision-making, and supplementary communication-such as creating a fun and relaxed atmosphere. The research then analyzed the success of teamwork and found that different group communication influenced on learning factor and goal-achievement factor, which contributed to the development of teamwork during board game play. This research contributes to understanding how cooperative board games can promote teamwork in organizations. It also highlights potential strategies for enhancing teamwork practices and group communication in small-team settings.

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