About the Journal

First launched in 2006 by Southern Border Research and Development Institute, Yala Rajabhat University. Journal is peer-reviewed and published as online open-access journal (ISSN: 2985-1424 (Online))


Focus and Scope 

Economics, Business Administration (Management), Education, Social studies and Community development


Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts must be reviewed by at least 2 expert  (3 Experts Recommended for those who plan to apply for academic position in the future) reviewers in the related field via double-blinded review system.



Thai and English


Publication Frequency 

1. Frequency: 3 Issues/Year:

  • Vol. 1  January – April
  • Vol. 2  May – August 
  • Vol. 3 September - Decemcer

2. Each Issues contains 10-15 manuscripst.


Sources of Support 

Supported by Yala Rajabhat University