The Process of Buddhism and Mixed Thoughts in Thai Society

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Surachai Kaewkoon
Somchai Srinok


The new process of Buddhism in the temporary world is the main theme since Buddha had got death, nibbana. When knowing this issue, the Buddhist history is educated systematically and brilliantly. Therefore, it became the satisfied results in the important process.

          Buddhism is the intellectual religion shining in the plural cultures of India where had changed rapidly on the culture. Exactly, Buddha educated and got experience in the different ways, so He initially involved with the difference. The new theory has been found or enlightened in that age. It made society peace
and then this Buddhism had been set up constantly by Buddha who could worldly proclaim it as the public religion for integrating to every caste from the past to the recent time.

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How to Cite
Kaewkoon, S., and S. Srinok. “The Process of Buddhism and Mixed Thoughts in Thai Society”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, Aug. 2018, pp. 16-28,
Academic Articles


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