Life, Sickness and Death in Christianity

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Prateep Chatsupang


The meaning of human life is the viewpoint that each person looks for oneself and others, that influences to his or her idea and behaviors. This article would like to show what is the concept or viewpoint of Christianity by documentary studies; such as Bible, Doctrines, Christian Catechism, including papers, textbooks, and publications. These are for clearing to the Christianity viewpoint the life, and sickness.

          It found that human life is God’s creature, sickness and death is human nature. Christianity viewpoints are not difference to the other religions and they can be treated by the same ways. Christianity Doctrines and beliefs are useful for everyone to be good person. Besides the good principles are also useful to the others in daily life. That is for everyone live together with peace forever

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How to Cite
Chatsupang, P. “Life, Sickness and Death in Christianity”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, Aug. 2018, pp. 76-87,
Academic Articles


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[ออนไลน์]. แหล่งที่มา :๔๘๖๕๗๒ ...๒๖๗ [๒๖ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๗].

[ออนไลน์]. แหล่งที่มา :๙ [๒๖ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๗].