Sunnata (Emptiness): Buddhist Thought Reflecting the Beauty

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Phramaha Thawee Mahapañño


According to Buddhist tradition, the concept of real beauty in life is not the subject of a proportional manner harmony and balance, it's about the moral. The emptiness in Buddhism is the Doctrine of the concept of such beauty. According to emptiness, Buddhism is not viewed beauty as something absolute or an eternally existing properties. . But beauty can be perceived as a part of the phenomenon in the world, with each other and their lives are always changing. It said that emptiness of Buddhism has proposed a theory of beauty is universal.

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How to Cite
Mahapañño, P. T. “Sunnata (Emptiness): Buddhist Thought Reflecting the Beauty”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 1, no. 2, Aug. 2018, pp. 14-23,
Academic Articles


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