The integration of systematic attention and the association with Good people to enhance learning of youth in nongkhai province

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Phrakrusamuhattaporn Piyadhammo


     This It is Qualitative research Is a document analysis and activities with youth in Nong Khai Provirce. to find out the result of attending the event. The model used to evaluate the behavior of the participants before and after the event. Statistics used in data analysis are mean. And standard deviation And content analysis. The research found that 1) The main idea is to use analytical reflection correctly and is thinking of ordinary thinking a thought you look noble truth and the exit is a misleading promotion that is beneficial to the refined and alleviate the problem. The fellowship is the main feature of a true friend. In dating the person causing such prosperity and goodness is love, respect. Not recommended in the childish or directs the impairing. 2) The concept of learning as a process that makes people change in behaviour occurs. Learners can interpret interpretations or infer importance on things that perception. It able to bring understanding that arises from the perception of their behaviour schemes build up. 3) Integrated to reinforce learning, focusing on the youth to understand the functional analysis, factor 4 everyday to learn something useful or valuable knowledge what is not beneficial to life. By relying on the love and warmth of family help to resolve
the problem of youth. Make it possible to resolve the issue of sustainable.

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How to Cite
Piyadhammo, P. “The Integration of Systematic Attention and the Association With Good People to Enhance Learning of Youth in Nongkhai Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, Mar. 2020, pp. 247-63,
Research Articles


ฉัตรชัย เสนสาย. อิทธิพลของกัลยาณมิตร โยนิโสมนสิการ ความเชื่อในกุศลกรรมบถ ๑๐ และปัจจัยทางจิตที่มีผลต่อพฤติกรรมที่พึงประสงค์ของนักเรียน. ปริญญาวิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต, บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย: มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ, ๒๕๕๔.

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