Adoption of Sufficiency Economy Principle adhering to Buddhist- oriented practice to business organizations

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Pekhanang Yodmanee


     The Sufficiency Economy Principle that His Majesty King Rama IX graciously gave royal speeches to Thai people is not only limited to agricultural use. Able to apply the Sufficiency Economy Principles in the management of business organizations for the sustainable existence of the organization and the economic development plan of the National Economic and Social Development Agency National Economic and Social Development plan (No.12) by adhering to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in defining the vision of the National Strategic Framework to propel Thailand with sustainability under the economic trauma that occurred under the volatility of the current Thai economic conditions, based on 3 principles follow as; modesty, reasonableness, and self-immunity on 2 conditions are the use of moral knowledge principles and precaution which makes the Thai business organizations able to run their business by self-reliance and sustainability.

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How to Cite
Yodmanee, P. “Adoption of Sufficiency Economy Principle Adhering to Buddhist- Oriented Practice to Business Organizations”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, Mar. 2020, pp. 264-76,
Academic Articles


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