The Model of Administration for Excellence of Schools under the Provincial Administrative Organization
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This research aimed to 1) study the components of administration for excellence of schools under the provincial administrative organization, 2) develop a model of administration for excellence of schools under the provincial administrative organization, and 3) evaluate the developed model of administration for excellence of schools under the provincial administrative organization. The research had three stages. Stage 1 was to analyze the components of administration for excellence of schools under the provincial administrative organization from related documents, interviewing ๗ experts, and collecting data from a sample group of 552 people. Step 2 was to develop the model of administration for excellence of schools under the provincial administrative organization by way of holding a connoisseurship of 11 experts. Step 3 was to evaluate the developed model of administration for excellence of schools under the provincial administrative organization by collecting the data from10 schools directors. The findings revealed that there were 7 components,namely 1) administrators’ leadership, 2) teachers’ quality, 3) strategic planning, 4) cooperation network, 5) students’ quality, 6) administration and management, and 7) personnel development. The model of administration for excellence of schools under the provincial administrative organization comprised ๓ parts. Part 1: introduction. Part 2 contents, consisting of components model and administration process. Part 3: conditions for success. Evaluation of the developed model of administration for excellence of schools under the provincial administrative organization found that the aspects of 1) correctness, 2) suitability, 3) feasibility and 4) utility were the highest level.
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