The Development of Peace Engeneers by Bhavana 4

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Apichit Anantaprayoon


This article aimed at reflecting the interest and desire to be an engineer peace has mastered the principle, an important development on the way of Buddhism which developed the quality of engineers peace, using the conceptual framework is Bhavana four awareness can be faced with all the conflict towards the development of the 4 sides, and step by step is the development of moral and cohabitation, to achieve peace and harmony, increase in social scientists, engineers, peace, good, you inevitably open up, listen, and patience, in all cases, to train them through all the training process, because the word engineer peace is the Creator of life, mentally, so it must be through the practice of concentration, whether it is meditation or walking meditation however, is mindfulness practice according to Bhavana four is important and extremely necessary before leaving to establish a relationship to one organization, it needs to start at the body of students in peace studies each of you own will, an open mind, participate, develop, and step into the build process of reconciliation, both also going to the self-development of engineers, peace give birth opinion straight, clear, and accurate understand the nature of the conflict and the above problem incoming in all cases, when we need to deal with conflict consciously, all the time by not accidentally as part of the problem. it should have a stage is primarily justified quote: the dismissal of its adherence to its stand presence in the mercy with the principles within it will guide the development of engineers, peace, great joy and permanent, it will be able to stop the conflict and existing conflict issues other are formed in the manner of awakening to know and protect both confident and sure that in the future such a society will have become a community or a rich social peace certainly

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How to Cite
Anantaprayoon, A. . . “The Development of Peace Engeneers by Bhavana 4”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, Nov. 2019, pp. 397-11,
Academic Articles


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