Buddhist Psychology for Building Resilience Quotient in Family Caregivers of Patients with Non-Communicable Diseases
Main Article Content
The research article titled “Buddhist Psychology for Building Resilience Quotient in Family Caregivers of Patients with Non-Communicable Diseases” has the objectives of research: 1) to study concepts, theories, and methods of resilience quotient following the principles of Buddhist Psychology; 2) to develop Buddhist Psychological program for building resilience quotient in family caregivers of patients with non-communicable diseases; and 3) to propose Buddhist Psychological program for building resilience quotient in family caregivers of patients with non-communicable diseases. Mixed methods research using a quantitative method to extend qualitative results was used for research design. Qualitative data were collected by documentary study, field study and in-depth interview. Key informants were 10 family caregivers of patients with non-communicable diseases and were selected by using purposive sampling. Quantitative research was designed to confirm qualitative results using experimental research. Randomization was used for selecting 40 samples and was divided into experiment group and control group. For quantitative data, descriptive statistics and t-test were analyzed by computer package.
The research results were Process of building resilience quotient in family caregivers of patients with non-communicable diseases consisted of 8 process of self-experience learning which were 1) know myself and understand others, 2) self-assessment, 3) search for problems, 4) focus on goal, 5) find alternative ways, 6) extend life plan, 7) lead to action, and 8) measure skills and follow up. There were 13 workshop activities integrating with 6-I 3-R of Buddhist psychology consisted of I have, I am, I can, I message, I plan, I do, Right understanding, Right Effort and Right mindfulness in order to initiate self-learning from the process of passing experience. The assessment of using Buddhist Psychological program for building resilience quotient in family caregivers of patients with non-communicable diseases indicated that the average level of resilience quotient in family caregivers of patients with non-communicable diseases in experiment group after attended the program were higher than before attended the program and control group at .05 significant level and follow up was not different. It was shown that level of resilience quotient in family caregivers of patients with non-communicable diseases was sustainable.
Article Details
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