Development of Indicators of Student’s Desirable Characteristics in Schools under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area

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Thitinan Panmak
Phrakhru Kittiyanawisit
Rawing Ruangsanka


The objectives of this research were; 1) to study the state of suitable indicators of desirable characteristics of students in schools under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area, 2) to develop indicators of desirable characteristics of students in schools under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area, and 3) to examine the relevance of indicators of desirable characteristics of students in schools under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area. The data were collected from 155 samples by interview form and questionnaire and then analyzed by Pearson correlation in SPSS program and confirmatory factor analysis in LISREL program.

The results of the study found that:

  1. The state of suitable indicators of desirable characteristics of students was classified into 8 main factors and 46 indicators.

  2. In the development of desirable characteristics of students, the result of variable analysis with factor rotation by means of Varimax method could obtain 6 main factors and 40 indicators as follows; Factor 1: National civil, Factor 2: Social participation, Factor 3: Sense of Thainess, Factor 4: Sincerity and honesty, Factor 5: Self-discipline, and Factor 6: Learning and living a life.

  3. The relevant examination result of indicators of students’ desirable characteristics indicated that the model and empirical data were consistent (X= 1183.93, df = 725 , p = 0.00 , X/df= 1.63 , GFI = 1.00 , AGFI = 0.98 ,RMSEA = 0.094)

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How to Cite
Panmak, T. ., Phrakhru Kittiyanawisit, and R. Ruangsanka. “Development of Indicators of Student’s Desirable Characteristics in Schools under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, Nov. 2019, pp. 280-92,
Research Articles


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