Development of a Causal Model for Sustainable Employee Engagement with Buddhist Psychological Traits
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The purposes of this research were 1) to study Buddhist concepts and psychological traits theory for sustainable employee engagement; 2) to develop the causal model for sustainable employee engagement with Buddhist psychological traits and; 3) to validate and propose the causal model for sustainable employee engagement with Buddhist psychological traits. Mixed methods research applying quantitative methods to extend qualitative results was used for research design. The qualitative method used the in-depth interview of 15 key informants for the confirmation of the research framework. For the quantitative method, the survey using the constructed questionnaires was used for data collection with the respondents of 540 employees who were working in Bangkok. Model was validated for the goodness of fit test by LISREL. The findings of goodness of fittest for the developed models, the result found that the model fit with the empirical data, Chi-Square (x2) = 79.06, degree of freedom = 63, P-value = 0.833, GFI = 0.98, AGFI = 0.96, RMSEA = 0.022, accounting for the variations in sustainable employee engagement at 95 percent.
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