Stategic Development of Human Resource Network Technology Towards High Performance Organizations
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The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the current state of personal identities, job characteristics of personnel, personnel management policies, strategies for personnel development for network technology, and strategies for human resource development for network technology which lead towards a high performance organization; and 2) examine the influence of personal identities, job characteristics of personnel, personnel management policies, and strategies for personnel development for network technology on strategies for human resource development for network technology which lead towards a high performance organization. This study employed a mixed research approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods. For the quantitative research part, the sample consisted of 400 personnel of network technology companies which were public limited companies. They were selected by simple random sampling. Data were collected via the use of a questionnaire and analyzed with a structural equation model. As for the qualitative research, the Delphi method was used. Data were gathered from 10 informants including experts in the field of network technology and executives from network technology businesses, selected by purposive sampling. Collected data were analyzed to identify median and quartile deviation. The research findings revealed that personal identities, job characteristics of personnel, personnel management policies, strategies for personnel development for network technology, and strategies for human resource development for network technology which lead towards a high performance organization were all rated at a very high level and had an influence on strategies for human resource development for network technology which lead towards a high performance organization.
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จีระ หงส์ลดารมภ์. แนวทางปลูกและเก็บเกี่ยวทุนมนุษย์ในยุคหลังวิกฤติมหาอุทกภัย. JOBSPAPER ๑(๑). ๒๔๔๔.
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